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Showing posts from December, 2010

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling(Chap 34 - end)

Chapter 34 The Department of Mysteries Harry wound his hand tightly into the mane of the nearest thestral, placed a foot on a stump nearby, and scrambled clumsily onto the horse’s silken back. It did not object, but twisted its head around, fangs bared, and attempted to continue its eager licking of his robes. He found there was a way of lodging his knees behind the wing joints that made him feel more secure and looked around at the oth­ers. Neville had heaved himself over the back of the next thestral and was now attempting to swing one short leg over the creature’s back. Luna was already in place, sitting sidesaddle and adjusting her robes as though she did this every day. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, however, were still standing motionless on the spot, openmouthed and staring. “What?” he said. “How’re we supposed to get on?” said Ron faintly. “When we can’t see the things?” “Oh it’s easy,” said Luna, sliding obligingly from her thestral and marching over to him, Hermio...