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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling(Chap 27 - 33)

Chapter 27 The Centaur and The Sneak “I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up Divination now, don’t you, Hermione?” asked Parvati, smirking. It was breakfast time a few days after the sacking of Professor Trelawney, and Parvati was curling her eyelashes around her wand and examining the effect in the back of her spoon. They were to have their first lesson with Firenze that morning. “Not really,” said Hermione indifferently, who was reading the Daily Prophet. “I’ve never really liked horses.” She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns. “He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!” said Lavender, sounding shocked. “A gorgeous centaur …” sighed Parvati. “Either way, he’s still got four legs,” said Hermione coolly. “Any­way, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?” “We are!” Lavender assured her. “We went up to her office to see her, we took her some daffodils — not the honking ones that Sprout’s got, nice ones. …” “How is she?” asked Harry. ...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling(Chap 34 - end)

Chapter 34 The Department of Mysteries Harry wound his hand tightly into the mane of the nearest thestral, placed a foot on a stump nearby, and scrambled clumsily onto the horse’s silken back. It did not object, but twisted its head around, fangs bared, and attempted to continue its eager licking of his robes. He found there was a way of lodging his knees behind the wing joints that made him feel more secure and looked around at the oth­ers. Neville had heaved himself over the back of the next thestral and was now attempting to swing one short leg over the creature’s back. Luna was already in place, sitting sidesaddle and adjusting her robes as though she did this every day. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, however, were still standing motionless on the spot, openmouthed and staring. “What?” he said. “How’re we supposed to get on?” said Ron faintly. “When we can’t see the things?” “Oh it’s easy,” said Luna, sliding obligingly from her thestral and marching over to him, Hermio...

Love and Mr Lewisham by H. G. Wells

Chapter 1 Introduces Mr. Lewisham. The opening chapter does not concern itself with Love — indeed that antagonist does not certainly appear until the third — and Mr. Lewisham is seen at his studies. It was ten years ago, and in those days he was assistant master in the Whortley Proprietary School, Whortley, Sussex, and his wages were forty pounds a year, out of which he had to afford fifteen shillings a week during term time to lodge with Mrs. Munday, at the little shop in the West Street. He was called “Mr.” to distinguish him from the bigger boys, whose duty it was to learn, and it was a matter of stringent regulation that he should be addressed as “Sir.” He wore ready-made clothes, his black jacket of rigid line was dusted about the front and sleeves with scholastic chalk, and his face was downy and his moustache incipient. He was a passable-looking youngster of eighteen, fair-haired, indifferently barbered, and with a quite unnecessary pair of glasses on his fairly prominent...